There’s nothing more disappointing than discovering the sea moss you prepared has gone bad before you had the chance to use it all.
Chalk it up as a chance to learn from your mistakes. There are things you can do to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Like many plant-based products, Sea Moss have a shelf life. Sea moss gel has a shelf life and can go bad if it is not stored properly or used within a sufficient amount of time.
Other forms of sea moss have a shelf life too, so it is important to know how to store these preparations to make sure they last as long as possible and stay as potent as possible while you are using them.
In this article, you will learn how to properly store various forms of sea moss and how to extend the shelf life of your sea moss so you can get the maximum benefits from this powerful sea plant.
Related: Does Sea Moss Expire? 11 Ways to Tell Your Sea Moss is Bad
How long does dried Sea moss keep?
On average, dried sea moss will keep for 8 to 12 months year, depending on storage conditions, contamination, and water exposure. Storing your dried sea moss in a dry, dark, cool location goes a long way to ensure it stays fresh longer.
Dried sea moss has a shelf life of about 1 year, provided it is stored in a cool, dry place. After that, it starts to lose its color and deteriorate.
So, if you find a package of dried sea moss that’s been lurking in the back of your pantry for a few years, it’s probably time to toss it. However, sea moss that has been properly preserved can last indefinitely.
However, when made into a gel, sea moss can be stored in the fridge for up to one month. And, if you’re feeling really ambitious, you can even freeze or can sea moss gel to enjoy throughout the year.
Related: How to Make Sea Moss Gel Without Blender – 3 Ways!
How long does Sea moss Gel last?
Sea moss gel, whether homemade or store-bought will last up to one month if refrigerated. After a month, mold and other bacteria may begin to form in sea moss gel, so it should not be consumed.
Because sea moss gel is made with water, it is much more susceptible to mold and other contaminants, even when refrigerated.
To avoid waste, make sure you only make what you can safely consume within a month’s time. If you purchased premade sea moss gel, it will keep for up to 12 months. Once the seal is broken however, it will last around one month.
Related: What is the Best Way to Consume Sea Moss? [Gel, Powder and Pills]
How to Properly Store Sea Moss
The container may be just as important as where it is stored when it comes to keeping your sea moss fresh for as long as possible.
Follow the tips below for proper storage for your various forms of sea moss:
1. Store Sea Moss gel in tinted bottles
Store sea moss gel and oil infusions in tinted glass bottles if possible. Sunlight can damage plant-remedies, so tinted glass helps further protect your product from UV rays that might reduce potency.
2. Use only air-tight Lids
Make sure that any container you use has a good lid that forms an airtight seal. Oxygen and moisture can get into jars that are not airtight and cause damage.
3. Refrigerate sea moss gel
Water content in any formulation is a good way to invite mold. Sea moss gel has high water content, so it is important to keep it in the refrigerator in an airtight bottle between uses. This will hold off mold growth.
4. Use moisture-absorbing packets for dry forms of sea moss
For capsules, powders, and dried sea moss, make sure you do not get it wet. Keep them in airtight containers and consider using moisture-absorbing packets or cotton balls to keep things dry.
5. Store dry Sea Moss in airtight bags
Dried forms of sea moss like sea moss powder will last longer than sea moss gel, but it is still a good idea to store it in airtight bags (freezer safe if possible) and then place the bag in a sturdy jar with a lid for long-term storage in the refrigerator or freezer.
Read more: When is the Best Time to Consume Sea Moss?
How to Properly Store Sea Moss Gel
The best way to store sea moss gel is in a tinted glass jar that is sterile. Unlike aluminum or plastic, glass doesn’t leach toxins. It is easy to clean and can be sterilized easily. Store this jar in the refrigerator between uses.
Below are steps to properly store sea moss gel
- Choose a glass jar that is big enough for the amount of sea moss you plan on making.
- Sterilize it by boiling a pot of water and gently placing it in this pot for five minutes.
- Remove it with tongs and set it aside to dry before filling it with sea moss gel.
- Fill the jar with sea moss gel and write the date the gel was created on the outside of the jar using a label or piece of tape and marker.
- Store your jar in the refrigerator between uses.
Related: How to Prepare Sea moss Gel from Sea moss Powder
Tips to Keep Dried Sea Moss Lasting
You may think that dried sea moss has an indefinite shelf life, but this is not necessarily true. While it is possible to keep the dried sea moss from going bad, the potency may decrease over time.
Follow the steps below to ensure your dried sea moss stays fresh and potent for as long as possible:
- Store dried sea moss (capsules, powder, or the dehydrated plant itself) in an airtight container or bag.
- Place a cotton ball or moisture-absorbing packet (optimal) in the jar or bag. An oxygen-absorbing packet is also a good idea.
- Store this in the refrigerator or freezer to extend both shelf life and potency.
- Make sure your dried sea moss does not stay in fluctuating temperatures or direct sunlight. These things break down the potency and can cause it to go bad. Consistency is key.
Related: How Long For Sea Moss to Start Working in Your Body?
Tips to Keep Sea Moss Gel for Longer
It is possible to make sea moss gel that lasts months. This requires freezing in small portions to de-thaw as needed.
Follow the steps below to freeze sea moss gel:
- Start by spooning your sea moss gel into small ice cube trays and freezing it.
- Pop out the frozen sea moss gel cubes when they are fully frozen.
- Place these cubes into a clean freezer-safe bag.
- Keep repeating this until all the sea moss gel is frozen.
- Store your freezer bag full of sea moss gel cubes in the freezer (let all the air out before placing it inside) and simply take out a cube to de-thaw as needed.
- Never re-thaw your sea moss gel cubes in the microwave, as this ruins their therapeutic properties and destroys nutrients. Sit the cube in a clean glass jar and place the jar in a pan of hot water until the cube is melted.
Learn more: How Much Sea Moss to Take Daily? [Gel, Powder and Pills]
How Long is Sea Moss Gel Good for in the Refrigerator?
If you’ve ever made sea moss gel, you know that it can last for quite a while in the fridge. But how long is too long? And when does sea moss gel go bad?
Sea moss gel is pretty shelf-stable and can last for two weeks to one month in the fridge. Afterward, it will eventually start to break down and develop mold. However, if you keep an eye on it and give it a sniff every now and then, you’ll be able to tell when things begin to degrade.
So, as a general rule, sea moss gel will last around one month if kept in the refrigerator. To keep your Sea moss as fresh as possible while you are using it, make sure to place it right back in the refrigerator after use and not leave it out on the counter.
That said, most types of flavored sea moss gel such as those made with fruits have a lower shelf life than plain sea moss. Herb-infused sea moss gel is in between both types.
Also make sure to avoid temperature fluctuations and keep it out of sunlight.
How Long does Flavored Sea Moss Gel last in the fridge?
Anyone who’s ever made a batch of fruit-infused sea moss gel knows that it doesn’t last as much as plain sea moss gel. But how long does it actually stay good for?
Most forms of fruit-flavored sea moss gel can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Herb-flavored gel lasts much longer – up to three weeks. However, it’s important to note that this is only if the gel is stored in an airtight container. If not, it will begin to spoil much more quickly.
For maximum freshness, consume your gel within 2 weeks of making it. After that, it will start to lose its flavor and become less potent.
If you’re looking to extend its shelf life, add a few drops of key lime juice to help preserve the flavor. And if you really want to get creative, try adding some spices like clover to give your gel an extra kick.
Just be sure to consume it within two weeks for best results.
Related: Does Sea Moss Detox Your Body? 10 Ways to Detox on Sea Moss!
How Long is Sea Moss Good for in the Freezer
Sea moss can be stored in the freezer for up to six months, but for best quality, it should be used within three months. To be safe, write the date on the outside of the container you are storing in the freezer so you know how old it is.
Freezer storage of any food is one of the best ways to ensure freshness, potency, and longer life.
It’s important to note that freezing does not kill algae or other organisms that may be present in sea moss gel. However, it does slow their growth, making it safe to eat for longer periods of time.
When thawing sea moss, be sure to do so slowly in the refrigerator to prevent spoiling. Once thawed, sea moss should be used within 24 hours.
12 Best hacks to store Sea Moss so it stays fresher for longer
If you’ve ever wondered how you can extend the shelf life of your sea moss, make sure to read the hacks below so you can keep it fresh as long as possible.
Remember, fresh sea moss is higher in nutrients and will benefit your body better. Here are 12 genius hacks to keep your sea moss fresh for longer:
1. Only make what you can use in a month.
There is no need to make a lot of sea moss gel. The average person needs only two tablespoons of sea moss gel per day. Since sea moss gel only lasts in the refrigeratfor for around one month, this comes to around 3.75 cups.
Whenever you plan to make sea moss gel, try to aim for just under four cups of sea moss gel at the end of the process. If you plan to use it every day as directed, you will reduce waste to the barest minimum by sticking to this measurement.
One to two ounces of dried sea moss will give you what you need to make this amount of sea moss each month.
2. Use purified, filtered or spring water to make sea moss gel
Not all water is created equal. Look for pure spring water to prevent contamination of your sea moss gel. In the absence of spring water, sterile, filtered, or boiled water is a good alternative.
Clean water is your best bet to ensure your sea moss gel stays fresh for the longest amount of time possible. Avoid using tap water to make sea moss gel, as it can contain fluoride, impurities and other substances.
3. Keep your refrigerator set to the optimal temperature.
Most refrigerators allow you to adjust the temperature setting. If your refrigerator allows this, set it to approximately 37 degrees Fahrenheit (37F) to keep your sea moss gel-and all other groceries- as fresh as they can be for as long as possible.
This temperature is perfect because it is very cool, yet doesn’t allow for the formation of ice crystals either.
Related: Sea Moss 92 Minerals List: What Do They Really Do?
4. Freeze your Sea moss gel to extend its shelf life.
Sea moss gel will easily last three months frozen. While some manufacturers state that their sea moss gel will last in the freezer up to six months, it does last longer.
One very useful way to freeze sea moss gel is to pour it into ice cube trays and freeze this overnight. The next day, pop them out of the molds and store these in a freezer bag.
Make sure to label the bag with the date you made the sea moss. Ice cube-sized servings are perfect for your daily needs and thaw very fast.
5. Can your Sea moss Gel to extend the shelf life up to 18 months
Canning is a process that requires the right jars and tools, a sterile environment, and pressurized heat. If you prepare sea moss gel by canning, make sure the jars are well sealed.
However, unless you have extensive canning experience, you should not attempt this.
To keep sea moss gel fresh as long as possible, can them and thereafter, store the canned sea moss in the refrigerator. Although it should technically be fine sitting out at room temperature as well.
Once the seal is broken, keep it refrigerated and use it within one month.
6. Avoid contamination by using clean utensils/hands
Contamination is one good reason mold and bacteria start taking over and causing spoilage.
Contamination occurs when you do not used sterile materials, such as a sterile utensils and glass jar to store your sea moss gel.
It also occurs when you reach your hand in a bag to get dried sea moss out for making gel.
If you don’t wash your hands first (and dry them very well before reaching in) you can introduce all kinds of bacteria to your sea moss.
So the next time you reach in to grab sea moss, make sure your hands are very clean and dry. Sterilize the jar and lid you use to store your sea moss gel by boiling some water in a pot on the stove and placing the jar and lid inside for several minutes.
Grab it out of the pot with tongs and place it somewhere to dry until you need it.
Related: How to Make Sea moss + Bladderwrack Gel
7. Keep jars airtight to prevent contamination
Whether you are storing dry sea moss or sea moss gel, you want to make sure your jar or bag has a seal. Leaving your jar or bag out in the open air will cause it to go bad faster.
For sea moss gel, use the lid that comes with the jar and seals tightly. For dry sea moss in bags, press all the excess air from the package and seal it well.
This helps protect your sea moss from all kinds of contaminants so it will last longer.
8. Silica packets can help
You may have noticed that some of your food products (especially powdered substances) come with a little bag inside. This is a silica packet.
Silica packets absorb excess moisture that can lead to mold and other issues with a product. You can buy silica packets online to add to your dried sea moss preparations, but only purchase food-grade silica packets.
9. Use Oxygen packets
Another product that helps to extend shelf life is an oxygen packet. These little packets look a lot like silica packets, but instead of working to suck out excess moisture, they work to rid the container of oxygen that can lead to spoilage.
Some pathogens that contaminate products rely on an oxygenated environment to thrive.
Eliminating the oxygen from the environment with these packets helps keep these pathogens from ruining your product. Add these to dried sea moss products.
Related: What is Sea Moss Water? [Benefits + How to Make]
10. Maintain a dark environment and consistent temperatures for dry storage
Ultra violet rays from sunlight damage all kinds of substances and this includes sea moss. Direct sunlight also harms the potency of a product.
Keep all dry sea moss products in a dark place. A cabinet with doors makes the perfect storage place for dried sea moss products, as long as the temperature is consistent in the cabinet as well.
Fluctuating temperatures in a room can damage sea moss and also lead to spoilage faster.
11. Avoid water exposure for dried sea moss
Water is one of the leading causes of mold contamination for many dry products. Keep your dry sea moss products in an area with stable temperatures and low humidity.
Before handling dried sea moss, whether it is capsules, raw sea moss, or powdered sea moss, make sure your hands are not only clean, but dried as well.
It is possible to get the most out of your sea moss, no matter whether you are using sea moss gel, dried sea moss powder, sea moss capsules, or raw sea moss.
Following the suggestions in this article will help ensure your sea moss is always as fresh as possible, potent, and nutrient-dense.
12. Wrap with Paper Towel and reseal
For sea moss that has been opened, wrap the remainder in a paper towel, then store in an air-tight container.
You can keep this container to sit on the pantry shelf or store in the refrigerator.
Related: Sea Moss Benefits For Men: 10 Things to Know in 2022
How long does Sea moss Gel last unrefrigerated?
Because sea moss gel is a combination of water and sea plants, it will not last long if left unrefrigerated. Don’t leave it sitting out more than 12-24 hours.
The best rule of thumb is to always refrigerate your sea moss gel right away after you make it to prevent spoilage.
If you make a mistake and leave it sitting on the counter for a few hours, it should be fine as long as it is a cool room. However, if you leave it out overnight accidentally, you may need to throw it out.
How long does Sea moss Gel last frozen?
Frozen sea moss gel will last up to three months. However, some manufacturers state that it can last up to six months frozen.
The length of time sea moss will last when frozen varies and depends on the container used, how sterile the container is, how much contamination it was exposed to, and the temperature in the freezer.
Does Sea Moss Go Bad?
Yes, sea moss can go bad. This is especially true for sea moss gel. Sea moss gel can go bad faster than other sea moss preparations because it is highly water-based. Water content leads to mold and spoilage eventually.
This is why it is so important to store sea moss gel in the refrigerator and use it within a month if possible. If stored in the freezer, sea moss gel can last up to six months.
How Long Can Dry Sea Moss be Stored?
While dried sea moss can seemingly last forever without going bad, it can lose its potency. A good rule of thumb for most dried herbs is to try and use it within one year. Store all dried plant products in a cool, dark environment.
Storing dried sea moss in the refrigerator or freezer is a great way to keep your sea moss from losing its potency and nutrient content.
How Long Can Sea Moss Gel be Stored?
In the refrigerator, sea moss gel should be used up within one month to avoid spoilage. If kept in the freezer, sea moss gel can last up to six months. Avoid letting sea moss gel sit out at room temperature for very long. This can speed up the spoilage process.
Always write the date on containers so you know when it was created and how long it has been in the refrigerator or freezer.
Final Thoughts
Sea moss is a popular superfood these days, and for good reason. It’s packed with nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.
It also happens to be one of the best “superfoods” on the planet. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep sea moss fresh for longer than a month.
So what happens when you purchase sea moss and bring it home? How can you make sure it lasts longer and doesn’t spoil?
In this article, we’ve shared ways to help you keep your sea moss last longer. We hope you’ve been able to learn a few tips and tricks to help keep your sea moss lasting longer, and fresher.
If you have any tips you’ve used to preserve sea moss for longer that you’ll love to share, let us know in the comments.
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