Maple syrup is a product of the Maple tree sweet juices.
To get the maple syrup, you make a small hole in the tree, and the liquid comes out. This liquid form of Maple syrup has a semi-sweet taste and interesting buttery aftertaste.
Dr. Sebi loved the benefits that maple syrup gives to the body. He initially included it in his nutritional guide of approved food list.
But with the proliferation of many factories producing maple syrup, there were unapproved ways of treating the natural syrup.
Boiling the syrup and using formaldehyde to extract it was one of the harmful processes. This process of commercial manufacturing was not advocated by Dr. Sebi.
The advocates of Dr. Sebi’s diet and lifestyle say that:
Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical compound used in the factory production of maple syrup.
In order to extract syrup from the maple tree, you need to make a hole. The producers place formaldehyde in the spot to keep it open for a more extended period.
And this interferes with the integrity of the syrup, making it toxic for consumption.
Right now, market-bought maple syrup which was originally approved by Dr. Sebi has been disapproved and removed from the list.
It is important to mention that a diabetic person, should always take care of their syrup intake. All-natural sweeteners contain carbohydrates – especially sucrose and fructose that may raise blood glucose levels once they are ingested.
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Is Maple Syrup Dr. Sebi approved?
Maple syrup has its origin in North America. Throughout history, the first people who used it were Indigenous people in North America.
They would prepare traditional maple syrup that gives extra energy and minerals to the body.
Maple syrup has its sweet taste from the sugar Sucrose. Also, this syrup is rich in manganese, zinc, riboflavin, and calcium.
It is a unique combination of natural nutrients with many benefits for the human body.
Dr. Sebi had an exact opinion on maple syrup. He says that only the natural form of Maple syrup production can and should be used in the diet.
The conventional/commercial form of production contains formaldehyde – a forbidden substance that is used to keep the wood holes open for longer.
In conclusion, Dr. Sebi only approved unprocessed maple syrup naturally obtained directly from the wood.
He does not support maple syrup bought from the supermarket or those treated with chemicals.
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What Does Dr. Sebi say about maple syrup?
The primary purpose of natural sweeteners through history is connected with their extra energy value. A natural sweetener will boost your energy and give you the lost minerals that your body needs.
Dr. Sebi says:
Dr. Sebi teaches that every person should be careful with the usage of sweeteners. They are energy full and should only be used in small amounts.
In some of his interviews about food choices, he recommends using natural maple syrup GRADE C. This kind of maple syrup has a characteristic dark color, a very intensive smell of maples, and is thought to be healthier.
It has excellent nutritional value and is rich in minerals.
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Why was maple syrup removed from the approved list?
There was a time when spinach, almonds, and maple syrup were on Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide. However, these foods were removed once they updated the list.
The main reason maple syrup was taken off the list is the giant factory production and the harmful chemicals used to make this sweetener.
In the later years of the 20th century, no law could forbid the usage of formaldehyde in Maple syrup production. Because of this, the syrup was contaminated and toxic.
The office of Dr. Sebi always keeps the list of approved alkaline foods up to date and decides to take out products like maple syrup or almonds with toxic ingredients once they are deemed unhealthy or harmful.
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List of Approved Sweeteners on the Dr. Sebi diet
Although sweeteners are not the essential part of a healthy and alkaline diet, Dr. Sebi has approved sweeteners that you can use.
1. Agave syrup
Dr. Sebi liked agave syrup, describing it as a unique sweetener with many health benefits.
He says, “Agave may have a very bad reputation by many; it’s like Moringa has a very high reputation by many, but it is a hybrid. Agave is not a hybrid. Agave is a cactus that comes from the desert.”
Agave plants are slowly grown succulents that can succeed in an arid environment. The plant is an excellent source of fibers and carbs that give the sweet taste of syrup.
Agave syrup is an excellent source of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Also, it has rich content of minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sodium.
The nutritional value of agave syrup is high because of its fructan content. They are directly connected with better gut health and beneficial activities in gut microbiota.
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2. Date syrup
From ancient history, date syrup has been part of the menu for more than 6000 years. It is a traditional sweetener that has a unique way of preparation.
You can make date syrup only with dates and water. The process starts with boiling the dates in the water and then blending.
In the end, you need to let the mixture boil until it has a syrup consistency.
Date syrup is rich in many minerals like phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron that help in the mineralization of your body.
Dr. Sebi approves date syrup usage together with agave because they are natural, unchanged, and origin from god-made plants.
While Agave is a type of cactus, and Dates are grown on a natural palm tree.
Only the sweeteners that are natural, unprocessed, and rich in minerals can be found on the Dr. Sebi food list.
Always be well aware that diabetic persons should take caution on syrup intake because it may raise blood sugar levels.
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