Most citrus fruits are known to be quite acidic, but the sweet taste of Calamansi is one of the reasons that people have begun to question this well-known fact.
Calamanasi is a citrus fruit that is similar in its outer appearance to key limes, but when cut, has striking orange flesh and juice. It is native to the Philippines but is rapidly gaining popularity in other regions of the world.
Today, we take a look at the commonly held belief system that all citrus fruits are acidic, and specifically, where Calamansi stands on this spectrum; acidic or alkaline?
Let’s get started!
Is pure calamansi juice acidic?
Calamansi juice provides significant health benefits that are necessary for a well-functioning body, but the acidity or alkalinity of it can be a cause for concern, especially for those who have special diets.
Pure Calamansi juice is highly acidic, but it provides an alkalizing effect to the body when taken alongside a healthy, plant-based, balanced diet. If taken on a diet of highly processed and highly acidic foods, then the alkalizing impact will be significantly reduced.
Highly acidic foods, such as Calamansi, are normally alkalizing to the body if an optimal, holistic and plant-based alkaline environment has already been created. This is because once their acidic juice enters the bloodstream, the minerals from that fruit will mix with the blood to help maintain its alkaline state.
If the body is instead overwhelmed with acidity and has not been able to create and maintain that alkaline state due to poor diet and lifestyle choices, then consuming another highly acidic food such as Calamansi, will not benefit your body.
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Is calamansi natural or man-made?
Several citrus fruits have been man-made, and with the advent of more and more citrus fruits popping up, many are starting to question their authenticity.
Calamansi is a hybrid fruit, meaning that it is man-made. It was created by cross-pollinating and breeding the kumquat, and the mandarin orange.
Hybrid fruits are aimed at taking the best qualities of two fruits and creating a unique fruit that maximises these great qualities from each while minimising the otherwise unpleasant or unfavourable qualities that were first present.
Although it may sound strange, hybrid fruits are scientifically proven to be beneficial to the health of your body, and in some cases, hybrids are even better than the everyday fruits that we are used to.
Farmers specifically tend to prefer growing hybrid fruits, because they are more resistant to many diseases.
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Is calamansi herbal?
Despite the recommendations of farmers and scientists alike, many people tend to become confused and fearful when they become aware that certain foods are man-made, but this doesn’t stop those foods from being ‘natural’.
In the case of Calamansi, it is a herbal fruit because it is cultivated and harvested from a tree. This means that the Calamansi fruit is harvested like many other citrus fruits, it is just that the original product itself is a hybrid.
As we recommended before, because of this, Calamansi is safe for everyone, and it is especially great for those on a plant-based or herbal-focused diet.
Related: Are Key Limes Alkaline?
Is calamansi organic?
Organic fruits are those which are cultivated and harvested without the use of toxic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers.
Calamansi can be organic, but this widely depends on the source that you get them from. Once you source calamansi fruits that have been cultivated and harvested without the use of the chemicals listed above, it is organic.
An easy way to know if the Calamansi fruit you are purchasing is organic is by looking for a label that says so, or by speaking to your grocer.
While Calamansi can be organic, keep in mind that this does not mean that it will be 100% natural like wildly grown fruit, as it is a hybrid fruit. The organic label simply means that it is free from those additives that can be harmful to the body.
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What is the pH of calamansi?
Like many other citrus fruits, Calamansi is highly acidic.
The pH of Calamansi ranges from 2.4 to 2.6, depending on the specific country it is grown in, but even though it is highly acidic, has been proven to help lower the level of acidity in the body.
The high citric acid content in Calamansi gives it several health benefits, including increased metabolism, boost energy levels and works as an antioxidant to ward off diseases.
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How healthy is calamansi fruit?
There are many reasons why Calamansi may b a great fruit to try, but the health benefits surpass them all.
Calamansi is very healthy for the body, especially when combined with a balanced diet that is plant-based and natural. Among all the noted health benefits out there, Calamansi is also great for helping your body maintain its alkalizing state.
It is also highly beneficial for weight loss, as it not only boosts your metabolism to improve fat burning, but it also helps to detoxify your organs and help your body get rid of excess waste and function more optimally.
Lastly, Calamansi is known for being great for respiratory issues, as the high citric acid content is anti-inflammatory, and helps to remove mucus build-up from the throat and nostrils.
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Calamansi for acid reflux
For decades, many have gotten in the habit of using lemons to help with symptoms of acid reflux, but can Calamansi be beneficial in this instance?
Research shows that Calamansi can lower your inflammation levels when taken regularly, and may be ideal to lower your risk of developing acid reflux or stomach ulcers.
However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that proves that Calamansi is effective at helping with an acid reflux flare-up.
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Final Thoughts
Calamansi is a great citrus fruit that provides maximum health benefits when taken in moderation. Though it is not alkaline, it is great for those on an alkaline vegan diet because it helps to alkalize the blood when the minerals combine n the bloodstream.
This hybrid fruit is a great addition to your diet, but remember to use it in moderation!
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