Our bodies can use a little help from time to time when it comes to elimination of toxins from the blood, lymphatic fluid, and digestive system.
Some people eliminate toxins better than others, but some people have certain health issues that make it harder for their body to get rid of toxins.
One example of this is the MTHFR genetic mutation. Some estimates show that almost 50 percent of the population has this gene mutation. For these people, the elimination of toxins from the body is not efficient, so toxins build up and can lead to serious health issues.
Detoxification has become a hot issue in the health field for the aforementioned reasons. As we learn more about how the body works to eliminate toxins, we also learn about different dietary changes, herbs, and protocols we can undertake to help remove mucus and toxins from our body.
Like with most other alkaline foods, Sea moss happens to be one such superfoods touted for its detoxification abilities. This article aims to look closer into how and why sea moss work for detoxing.
Does Sea Moss Detox Your Body?
Sea moss is a natural diuretic, so it can help flush excess water out of the body, which may reduce the body’s toxic load. In addition, this can help flush harmful bacteria out of the kidneys and urinary system.
Although there are no definitive studies proving or disproving, sea moss is also reported to help cleanse the blood because of its flavonoid and chlorophyll content. Its fiber content is linked to a healthy digestive system and more regular elimination.
Its antioxidant content means that it can help target harmful free radicals in the body that can lead to cellular damage. All of these things combined make sea moss valuable for detoxification.
What Parts of the Body Does Sea Moss Detox?
Sea moss is reported to detox the urinary system, lymphatic system, blood, and digestive system. Detoxification of the urinary system occurs because of the diuretic properties in sea moss that encourage excess water to flush out the system.
This can help eliminate toxins from those areas of the body. This is why it is important to drink plenty of water while taking sea moss when you want to start the Dr. Sebi alkaline diet.
Sea moss is also able to detox and revitalize the cells that have been depleted of energy by replenishing lost minerals and nutrients. Given that Sea moss contains 92 minerals needed for cel repair, growth and function, it does this easily
Sea moss is a rich source of potassium chloride, chlorophyll, and omega 3 fatty acids. These compounds encourage the cleansing of the lymphatic system, as well as the respiratory system. It does this by helping to dissolve mucous and reduce inflammation that causes congestion.
Vitamins and minerals in sea moss like folic acid, vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium work to promote cardiovascular health by boosting blood circulation, and increasing oxygen saturation in the blood.
They even reduce the buildup of potentially dangerous cholesterol that clogs arteries. All of these factors help lend sea moss its blood cleansing abilities.
Prebiotic fiber in sea moss is linked to healthier elimination and overall digestive health. This is one major reason sea moss is reported to detox the digestive system. Regular elimination is vital to our health because it keeps waste out and our digestive system running smoothly.
The iodine in sea moss helps the thyroid function properly. Our body doesn’t make its own iodine, so we must rely on our diet to make sure we get what we need.
Most people do not have sufficient amounts of iodine in their body, and the result is a thyroid that is underactive. An underactive thyroid causes weight gain, slow metabolism, lethargy, joint pain, and heart disease.
The thyroid regulates the metabolism, which is responsible for how our body processes what we eat and turns it into energy.
Taking sea moss on a regular basis may provide enough iodine to keep the metabolism running as it should and helping the body to flush out toxins, waste, and more.
How Does Sea Moss for Detox Work?
Detoxing with sea moss works by helping the body to flush out excess water, promote healthy lymphatic flow, boost blood circulation and oxygenation, reduce blockages in the arteries, and encourage the body to eliminate waste regularly.
Sea moss detox work because the body is forced to go without food for a while and nourishment comes in the form of the abundance of minerals found in sea moss.
Regular water drinking is also an important part of the sea moss detox because it helps encourage the body to keep flushing out waste.
Over time, the body is cleansed by the flushing of waste by the sea moss and water. The many beneficial compounds in sea moss work to boost the body’s natural detoxification process while clearing blockages that are caused by the many toxins we come into contact with over time.
How Does Sea Moss Expel Mucus?
Sea moss works to cleanse the body is by expelling excess mucous. This happens because sea moss contains compounds like potassium chloride that have been shown to dissolve and liquefy mucous in the airways and lymphatic system.
Other compounds in sea moss like chlorophyll and omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to help eliminate mucous as well.
Additionally, sea moss contains anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce inflammation that makes congestion worse. The compounds in sea moss that help reduce mucous are thought to work by thinning the mucous into a liquid form that is more easily passed from the body.
Does Sea Moss Make You Cough Up Mucus?
Because taking sea moss can help thin and liquefy mucus, it may make it easier to cough up the phlegm that has been sitting in the airways. Sea moss doesn’t specifically lead to coughing, but since it can thin mucous, it may help those with excess mucous get rid of it easier.
Although Sea moss is not likely to cause any noticeable mucous expulsion, it works for those that have sinus and respiratory issues due to the presence of too much mucous.
Sea moss can make a soothing and effective remedy for those suffering from respiratory woes such as sinus infections, bronchitis, colds, and other viruses.
How Fast Does Sea Moss Detox Work?
Sea moss detox works differently for each person. Some people may begin to notice a difference after only one day while others may not notice a difference after several days.
There are many other factors to consider when determining how fast a sea moss detox would work. Some of these include a person’s health when starting the fast.
If you are already eating alkaline and living a healthy lifestyle, you may not notice much difference because there aren’t as many toxins in your system. If you eat unhealthy acidic foods, you may notice a major difference soon after beginning seamoss detox.
Other factors include the amount of sea moss you are ingesting during the detox, as well as the amount of water you are drinking. It is very important to drink at least 1 gallon of spring water daily (recommended by Dr. Sebi) during a detox.
What are the Sea Moss Detox Symptoms?
Some sea moss detox symptoms to look for might include diarrhea, frequent urination, bloating, and GI issues. Not everyone will experience these issues, but if you have a sensitive stomach you may notice some gastrointestinal changes due to the fiber and diuretic content in the sea moss.
Diarrhea is one of the most prominent symptoms of sea moss detox. At some point, the digestive tract is completely “cleared” and the only “waste” to come through will be water from all the water you drink coupled with the lack of food.
- When is the Best Time to Consume Sea Moss?
- What Vitamins Are in Sea Moss? Untold Facts and Benefits
- What is the Best Way to Consume Sea Moss? [Gel, Powder and Pills]
- What is Sea Moss Water? [Benefits + How to Make]
- What is Sea Moss Good For?
How to Detox Fast on Sea Moss and Water (The Dr. Sebi Way)
For an effective sea moss detox/fast, follow the steps below. If at any time you feel like you cannot continue, do not force yourself to keep going.
Take a break and eat if you feel too lightheaded or unwell. As always, seek professional advice from a nutritionist if you have concerns about doing a detox/fast.
- Prepare your sea moss for a fast. Sea moss gel is one of the easiest ways to incorporate sea moss into a fast. You can make sea moss gel by first soaking your sea moss in water overnight. The next day, strain off the water and place the sea moss in a blender. Add a small amount of water and blend until you have a gel-like consistency. Add more water as needed to get the consistency you want. Store your gel in a jar and keep it in the refrigerator.
- Each day, space out your water drinking. Try to drink at least eight eight ounce glasses of water throughout the day. If you can drink more, do it.
- Make a smoothie with one tablespoon of sea moss gel for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You may make a nutrition drink/smoothie or add sea moss gel to organic fruit juice (preferably juice without processed sugar). In the evening, if you discover that you are hungry, you can drink another smoothie. Sea moss can help fight off hunger.
- Do this anywhere from 3 to 10 days, but make sure you listen to your body. If at any time you feel dizzy or lightheaded, lie down and find something to eat.
- When doing the detox, take special care to brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day. The mouth can build up with all the toxins your body is flushing out and needs a thorough cleaning.
Parting Thoughts
Sea moss has long been used as a detoxifying agent, and there is some evidence to suggest that it can be effective in this role.
However, more research is needed to determine the specific ways in which sea moss helps detox the body. In the meantime, if you are interested in using sea moss for detoxification cleanse, you can give it a try.
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